New Patients: Frequently Asked Questions


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How does Chiropractic work?

What we do as chiropractors is look for areas of stress in the spine. This stress is often caused by old accidents & injuries that's changed how the joints move. The joints can still move, they just can’t move like they used too. As the stress builds it can a host of problems pain, numbness, anxiety, depression, restless nights, constipation and frequent urination or bed wetting in children. Over time the stress will cause wear & tear of the joints and disc bulges or herniations.  

What to expect on your first visit.

On your first visit we will perform a consultation to better understand your condition and then x-rays to find the cause of your conditions. After we've reviewed your x-rays and answered all you questions Dr. Craig will perform an adjustment (on your first visit). 

What to expect on your second visit and future cost.

On your second visit we will review your condition and x-rays and discuss your treatment plan. Your second visit will cost somewhere between $20-$40 for cash or insurance (average cost).  Our cash rate is $40 for an adjustment and $50 for an adjustment with therapies (roller table or traction).  Insurance can vary from $0 to $50 a visit. 

How may adjustment will I need to fix my problem?

The number of adjustments you'll need to correct your condition will depend on many factor like occupation, activity level, history of trauma and x-rays findings. Our cases come in Grades. Grade I is early, Grade II is intermediate, Grade III is late and Grade IV is irreversible. In a Grade IV case the patient has waited too long to start care and now needs surgery. 

  • Grade I can take 6-12 visits to resolve.
  • Grade II can take 12-24 visits to resolve.
  • Grade III can take 24-32 visits to resolve.

We've had some Grade IV cases avoid surgery even when their neurologist warned them about getting adjusted. If given a chance, the body can heal most times. 

How long will it take to get better? 

You know that healing takes time. As an example, if you broke your elbow you would be in a cast for 8 weeks to allow the bone to heal. You also know the body does the healing not, the cast. The same principle applies to the adjustments, the adjustment removes the stress and allows the body to heal. How fast you heal depends on you (occupation, activity level, history of trauma, inflammatory diet).  

How soon can I expect to some changes or results?

Fast responders will feel 50-75% better in just 1-2 weeks. Intermediate responders can take 2-4 weeks and slow responders (disc bulges and herniations) can take 4-6 weeks to feel 50-75% better. 

What adjusting techniques do you use?

The doctor uses a few different techniques, his main adjusting technique is Diversified (also know as Palmer) which is a traditional hands on adjustment. With patients who don't like the cracking or popping sound the doctor will use Thompson Drop Technique for lower back conditions and a low force technique called Prone Specific for neck problems.  Infants and children are adjusted using a low force technique. 

Can Chiropractic adjustments help babies and children?

Yes!  Spinal problems start with birthing trauma or minor accidents that cause the spinal joints to become stiff and not move properly. This spinal stress can interfere with the child's normal development and cause issues with latching, colic, restless sleep and constipation. Children do not grow out of spinal problems, they grow into them. Early detection and correction is one of the keys to a healthy child. 

How do you adjust kids and pregnant mom's?

Toddlers are adjusted with a low force technique, there is not twisting or cracking. Pregnant mom's are adjusted with both traditional and low force techniques depending on where they are in their pregnancy. 

Cervical Fusion

Can you be adjusted after spinal surgery, fusions or Herrington Rods?

Yes! The screws, plates and rods used in surgery are very strong and will not break or pull out with an adjustment.  We've helped hundreds of patients with post surgical pain and dysfunction with no adverse events or reactions. Here's an x-ray of our patients who had surgery after an automobile accident. He continued to have pain radiate into his shoulder after the surgery. He responded well to Chiropractic adjustments and started seeing improvement in a short period of time.

Can you be adjusted if you have a disc bulge or herniation?

Yes, disc bulges and herniations respond very well to chiropractic adjustment. When a spinal joint
becomes stiff and can't move properly the disc become weak and starts to bulge out due to compressive forces. Chiropractic adjustments restore the normal motion, decreases the pressure on the disc and nerves which allows the joints to heal and become stronger.   

New Patient Paperwork

Above is the link for our new patient paperwork, you can fill it out at home or at the office.

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Our Regular Schedule


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm







9:30 am - 12:30 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 12:30 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 12:30 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 12:30 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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